
How To Get the Most Out of Your Doctor Visit

Full waiting room, quiet exam room, a quick 15-minute chat with the doctor, and you’re on your way. You only have a limited amount of time with your doctor, so how can you make the most of the time you do have? We’re making it easy to find out with our expert tips to help you maximize your doctor appointments.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Doctor Visits

Write out questions prior to your appointment, and bring your list.

This is important for two reasons: One, it’s easy to forget the things you want to ask or are curious about. Two, it’s easy to feel rushed, which can make you skip out on your list of questions, possibly missing something important.

Having your list with you will help prevent you from forgetting in the moment, all while ensuring you leave nothing necessary out.

Arrive early to your doctor’s office.

Sometimes your doctor’s office will want you to share your health history ahead of time. They may also need to look up your medical records if you’re coming from a different healthcare provider. Arriving early can help give you time to fill out necessary forms and paperwork without being rushed.

Keep an eye on the time.

A doctor only has so much time to talk with you, so make sure you’re sticking to the topics you’re there to discuss and asking the most important questions first. If you know it’s likely you have more questions than can be answered during your normal appointment slot, ask if you can schedule a longer appointment next time.

Be honest with your doctor.

If you are at your doctor’s office for a physical exam, be honest with them about your health concerns.

If you’d like to enhance your health, be upfront about that. If you’re dealing with some health issues, don’t ignore them. If they ask you a question, don’t skirt around the truth; they’re there to help you and want to know about any health concerns you have.

Take notes.

As your doctor chats with you, take notes so your family members can remain in the loop as well. Ask your doctor to repeat anything if necessary for you to be clear about what they’re saying.

Ask for resources.

If you’re diagnosed with a health condition, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or another ailment, ask for resources. These can help you manage your conditions or learn what you can do to stay healthy. Often, doctors will provide this to you, along with a list of instructions, but if they don’t, it’s a good idea to ask for it.

Follow up with questions.

If you have questions after your appointment, perhaps about blood work, test results, or medication side effects, don’t be afraid to follow up. It often takes a quick phone call or email to get the answers you need, so make it a point to do so if you feel you need more information.


To learn more about how to get the most out of your doctor visits, or to see how our lifestyle can enhance your health, schedule a visit today.


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